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 Training @ Home 


Volleyball During COVID

While the Hurricanes’ volleyball season is still up in the air and we wait for more definitive practice and clinic information, we can make sure that the volleyball grind doesn't stop! 


Play Doubles

The best advice we can give our young players is to play doubles as much as possible. Whether it’s on the beach, on grass, or on concrete at Reggie Wong Park, there is no variation of volleyball that will get you better like doubles.


Teach Yourself!

Taking the time to teach yourself more about the game will improve your volleyball IQ as well as your skills. Because volleyball is a visual-motor sport, instead of writing out instructions for each skill, we’ve compiled a list of videos that will help activate your mind. Click each link below to follow along! To supplement, click here for general volleyball resources. 




Work Out!

Working out is one of the best ways to improve at volleyball. Download the PDF below, which contains a great workout for athletes of all ages and skill levels! 


Volleyball Workout PDF

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“When you work on improving a certain skill you go through several stages of learning, each of which signifies a different level of competence. The first stage is unconscious incompetence, where you don’t know much, and you’re also not sure what you don’t know. The stage after that is conscious incompetence, where you still struggle, but where you can start identifying what you need to do in order to improve. Next is the stage of conscious competence, where you’re fairly proficient in the skill, though performing at a high level requires a significant amount of effort. The final stage is unconscious competence, where you’ve mastered the skill, and can perform at a very high level while relying mostly on your intuition.”

-Setter U

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